Friday, July 25, 2014

Daily Devo:) TGIF !

You Have an Assignment

by Joyce Meyer

You, O Lord of hosts, God of Israel, have revealed this to Your servant: I will build you a house. So Your servant has found courage to pray this prayer to You. —2 Samuel 7:27

God sometimes speaks to us and gives us “prayer assignments.” King David believed that he was given the assignment to build God a house and he was committed to pray about it until it came to pass. There are many people or situations I pray for once, and that is all. But I also believe God speaks to us and assigns us people to pray for until what He wants to do in them or for them is accomplished. I have prayed for one person, literally, for twenty-five years and will continue to do so until I die or until God releases me, or the person dies or what needs to happen comes to pass. There are actually times when I get tired of praying for this person, but it doesn’t matter how I feel, I still find myself praying. I know God has given me this assignment and I will not give up! I believe God is using my prayers to help shape this individual’s destiny.

There are other times when I feel that I “should” be praying for someone more than I do, but no matter how I feel, they just don’t come to mind when I pray. I may also try to pray, but have no desire, or cannot find much to say and even what I do say is dry and lifeless.

If God speaks to you and gives you an assignment to pray for someone or something, you will not have to “try” to work up a desire to pray; you will find them in your heart and mind and prayer will be easy. You may even find yourself praying for them without even consciously planning to do so. When someone is on your heart or mind, believe you are hearing from God and pray!

God’s word for you today: You can’t do everything and do anything well, so find your assignment and enter God’s rest.

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