Friday, December 12, 2014

Endorphins make you happy.

 Happy Friday Folks. Half way to Christmas now boy is December sure flying by. before we know it, it'll be that time to celebrate a new year which means new resolutions. What always seems to be at the top of everyone's list? Of course to lose weight. I know it's always on mine. A way to start fresh and really get a jump start to get motivated to finish a goal you have set for yourself. 
I'm proud of myself to say I have stuck and maintained my fitness goals I had set for myself this time last year as I had given birth to my son in October 2013. 
Although I'm happy with how I am, I have slacked off the last couple weeks and not done my cardio and haven't eaten the best. I beat myself up when I go through these moments of defeat and I get myself down. "Well January is coming soon, I'll just wait to start then." But then I woke up and said no. not letting a pitfall get me down. I made myself get the energy to get on the treadmill and back on my grind. And glad I did. I ran 3 miles in 30 minutes and it felt good. It is true what they say " endorphins make you happy". So ok that was just in a movie but it is true. When I was finished. Instant good mood lol. So weird but now I am feeling great and ready to take ok the rest of my day! So here to say it's never too late to start right away. Pick up where you left off. However if you want to wait to make that a resolution, go for it. But if your like me and down and in the slumps, muster up some energy and the rest will expel itself once you get that heart rate up! Goo for it! 
Have a great weekend ! 


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